"The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord."
Proverbs- 21:31

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Race Report: Challenge Quassy Half Ironman

There are good days and bad days in every job, sport, and life. Triathlon is no different. Challenge Quassy is known as the beast if the northeast because of its massive hills on both the bike and run. I had been training heavily leading up to the race and with a good taper and I felt strong on the morning of the race. I was joined by Kevin Grimes and one other member of the Race 4 Chase team at the race.  

The swim went great and I was exactly where I thought I should be getting out of the water. The water in Lake Quassy is clean, calm, and perfect for a long swim. I got out of the water and raced through the CMAK volunteers working the aid station and headed into T1.

The bike course started out with a long fast downhill stretch and then the pain and suffering began. By the half way point on the bike my legs were screaming and my mind was getting weak. I started to consider dropping out of the race. In five years of racing I have never once quit a race. I just couldn’t see myself heading out to run a half marathon in the state I was in getting off the bike. Its time like these that I remind myself what Chase’s family goes through every day and they don’t get the option to quit. I decided to start the run and see how I felt.

The run course starts out with 4 miles of fast flat road. As I came out of transition feeling awful I saw my family on the side of the road. I was not expecting them to be at the race so this was an immediate lift to my mental state and of course the legs soon followed. Now that the kids and Kim are here I can’t quit. I was now in the run for the long haul.

I held a nice pace for 6 miles and passing the half way point I was starting to believe that I was going to pull out a decent run. Soon after I was suffering big time and every step was more painful than the next. I got to mile 9 and in front of me was a huge hill.  I find it hard to believe that even the pros would run a hill like this. It is a ridiculous obstacle to put on a triathlon course. The hill was mentally and physically crushing. From that point on the run became a death march for the next 4 miles. After a long slow run/walk/shuffle/crawl to the finish line I finally arrived. All of my kids were eagerly waiting to run across the line with me. This was a great way to finish a long hard day.

There are good days and bad days. I cant wait to forget this one and move on to a good one.


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